

I love writing in actual journals, particularly because I feel as though I've gone back to a simpler time when I put pen to paper.
Unfortunately I'm not great at a) keeping up with this habit and b) remembering where I've put said journal. I have many unfinished notebooks. So much so, I have a shelf almost dedicated to them.

Scrolling through my old posts earlier this week was a little treat.
I do love taking a moment to reminisce but it also made me sad I had let my little record keeping habits slide and have barely jotted down anything over the past year, on paper or online.

Therefore, the time has come for me to reluctantly concede that online writing is the way forward for me and a pretty fail safe option seeing as I always remember where I've put it and I almost always have access to it.
Ugh! Technology, you win again.

This blog is now my own little phoenix.
It has made it to its third reincarnation, this time as a record of the everyday for my own memory making but also for people to stumble upon.
I won't be promoting this blog or popping it on my social media (watch me eat my words), it's just out there in the ether.
I quite like the idea of floating thoughts. Little pages of a book drifting through a dark forest, getting caught on a branch and fluttering in the breeze, ready for someone to chance upon.

Autumn, the season which encapsulates almost everything I love, is now rolling in, which is about where I left off with this blog two years ago.
Turns out I'm not perfect at keeping up the blogging habit either.

Things have moved on a step or two. I am now the proud owner of a DSLR camera.
This blog will be as much to encourage me to take my camera out and about as it will be to remind me to write more.

So....let's see how this goes.

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